Do’s and Don’ts of Tinnitus Management

Tinnitus, the perception of ringing or buzzing in the ears without an external sound source, can be a challenging condition to manage. While there is no cure for tinnitus, various strategies can help reduce its impact on your life. Here are some key do’s and don’ts to help you manage tinnitus effectively. Do’s for Tinnitus…
What to Know About BAER Testing

BAER, which stands for Brainstem Auditory Evoked Response, is a diagnostic test used to evaluate the auditory function of the brainstem. This non-invasive procedure provides valuable insights into hearing ability and auditory nerve function, helping healthcare professionals diagnose and manage hearing loss in infants and young children. Let’s explore how BAER testing is used. About…
Tips For Dating with Hearing Loss

Navigating the dating world can be challenging enough, but when you have hearing loss, it adds another layer to the challenges of dating. You’re not alone, as 15% of American adults report some trouble hearing. Hearing loss can make it tough to catch every word in a conversation, which is particularly problematic in noisy environments…
What Is Musical Ear?

Hearing music in your ear that you can’t attribute to an external source may be a little alarming at first. Learning about the potential reasons you may be experiencing this phenomenon is a great way to alleviate your stress. Musical ear is one such reason why you may hear musical sounds, harmonics, melodies or rhythms…
What to Know About Tinnitus During Pregnancy

Tinnitus, ringing or buzzing in one or both ears, is a common side effect during pregnancy. It affects one in three pregnant women and is the most common ear symptom experienced by women during pregnancy. If you’ve noticed a ringing in your ears or are experiencing hearing problems during a lunch date to Cox Cafe, schedule an…
What Is Barotrauma and How Does It Affect Our Ears?

If you are a regular flier, you’ve probably experienced a popping or pressure in your ears, especially during takeoff and landing. This happens because of the change in air pressure associated with increasing or decreasing elevations. The discomfort your feel is known as barotrauma. Medical Definition of Barotrauma While most often associated with the ears,…
All You Need to Know About Ear Surgery

The surgical procedure known as otoplasty refers to the surgical reshaping of the outer ear. The purpose of this procedure may be cosmetic, to improve the appearance of the ear for dates at The Vortex, or functional, to correct an irregularity. Below we review everything you need to know about this ear surgery. Why Get…
Infections Causing Pain Behind the Ear

There are many issues that could potentially cause pain behind your ear. Some are ear-related, while others might be caused by dental issues or even compressed nerves in the back of your head and neck. Let’s examine some infections that cause pain behind the ear. Middle Ear Infection The middle ear is located between the…