What to Know About Tinnitus During Pregnancy

Tinnitus, ringing or buzzing in one or both ears, is a common side effect during pregnancy. It affects one in three pregnant women and is the most common ear symptom experienced by women during pregnancy. If you’ve noticed a ringing in your ears or are experiencing hearing problems during a lunch date to Cox Cafe, schedule an…
Company Culture Is an Important Part of ENT Center of Central Georgia

At The ENT Center of Central Georgia, we’re dedicated to providing the best experience for our patients. This work starts internally with building a supportive culture for our staff, so in turn we can provide outstanding care for our patients. On Global Company Culture Day, Sept. 18, we’re reflecting on the values we strive to…
When Should You Be Concerned About a Nosebleed?

If you do get a nosebleed, it’s important to stay calm. Sit down and lean forward slightly while pinching your nostrils together using a thumb and index finger. Hold this position for at least five minutes, or until the bleeding has stopped. In the vast majority of cases, this should be enough to treat the…
Infections Causing Pain Behind the Ear

There are many issues that could potentially cause pain behind your ear. Some are ear-related, while others might be caused by dental issues or even compressed nerves in the back of your head and neck. Let’s examine some infections that cause pain behind the ear. Middle Ear Infection The middle ear is located between the…
What Causes Your Ear to Bleed?

Blood coming out of your ear can be rather alarming, especially if you don’t know what is causing it. There are a number of conditions that can result in your ear bleeding. Understanding the causes can help you seek treatment quickly should you ever find yourself in this position. Perforated Eardrum Your outer and middle…
When Should You See an ENT?

An otolaryngologist, also known as an ENT, is a doctor who specializes in identifying, diagnosing and treating disorders of the ear, nose and throat. While you may be familiar with the name, do you know when you should see one? Who Is Your Otolaryngologist? In order to become an ENT doctor, you must complete up…