Hearing music in your ear that you can’t attribute to an external source may be a little alarming at first. Learning about the potential reasons you may be experiencing this phenomenon is a great way to alleviate your stress.
Musical ear is one such reason why you may hear musical sounds, harmonics, melodies or rhythms when none are present. Let’s take a look at why musical ear occurs and what you can do to manage it.
Common Causes of Musical Ear

While it may feel alarming initially, it is essential to remember that musical ear is not a symptom of psychosis. In fact, the majority of musical ear cases are associated with hearing loss and other neurological and psychiatric disorders.
One theory as to why musical ear occurs relates the phenomenon to a cause similar to hearing loss-induced tinnitus. With hearing loss, the brain’s auditory center is not provided with as much input as it is used to. To compensate for the loss, it creates its own noise in the form of tinnitus or musical ear.
How Can You Manage Musical Ear Symptoms?
While musical ear may not sound unpleasant in name alone, constant musical ear symptoms can quickly turn frustrating. You may notice stress or anxiety when symptoms arise in your daily life. If musical ear prevents you from enjoying your favorite beverage at Z Beans Coffee or participating actively at work or school, consider using sound masking.
Sound masking is a common form of symptom management for tinnitus, and it may be helpful in cases of musical ear. Sound masking works by playing white noise, or amplifying external noises, to distract the brain from internally generated sounds. Hearing aids are one excellent option for sound masking during the day. Hearing aids may also help decrease the effect of auditory stimulation. Sound machines are another great option for masking when hearing aids cannot be worn.
There is still a lot we don’t know about musical ear. Because it is possible that musical ear is not the result of hearing loss, you should contact your provider immediately if you notice symptoms. To seek hearing care, contact The ENT Center of Central Georgia today to make an appointment with one of our specialists.